I'm impressed! Take a look at my new super turbo POWER CARD and then sit a spell for my story.
Several weeks ago, I was a browsin' in Big Honkin Full Price Bookstore when I came across a knitting book that I MUST HAVE! You do know, of course, that I love reading about knitting nearly as much as I love doing it, right? Anyway, this charming little paperback gem was priced at
$24.99. No, I could not find any way to convince myself that I should make this purchase. So I headed out, tail between my legs and head hung low, to the safety and security of my Palace. There I found the listing for said book and entered it on my Amazon.com Wish List. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. I knew that this was a newer book and it was unlikely that our own Pee Gee County Library System would have a copy, but we do enjoy a great feature where one can search the catalog from any internet connection. What I did not know is that one may also link to "Marina" -- here's where it starts getting good -- which is a database for the whole doggone state! Yep, every county system chimes in on your search terms. And then it gets even better! One can designate a "Hold" for a particular item, which will then be shipped -- GRATIS!!! -- to one's local branch, whereupon a nice computer voice will leave a telephone message that you come and pick it up. So, sure enough, PeeGee County did not have the book, but Ritzy Montgomery County did. So after a few easy keystrokes and about 10 days of waiting, today, I took a little drive to my local Lib and came back with ..... "Easy Knitted Accessories, funky and fashionable projects for the novice knitter" I plan to spend some time planning out my knitting for friends tonight as all of my pals are fashionable, and certainly all are way fun-KAY!
Oh yeah, so what part plays the card? This new POWER CARD can be linked to any County System and allow me to physically borrow directly ... which suddenly doesn't seem like such a big deal when I can do my lookin' from The Palace and get free delivery to my local branch ... oh well, it has a cool holographic finish!
At 4:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Written Word
Some have bemoaned the demise of the written word in modern society. Electronic entertainment and communication are said to be the causes of many a technology-numbed mind.
It is refreshing to find a quality blog! Keep up the good work. I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
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