The Picture Taker
It is a big ole clunker in comparison to today's sleek, tiny models and for that GG always makes fun of it, and thereby me, Mavis.
However, it has a feature that makes it invaluable: The Sony can store on regular, cheap, run-of-the-mill computer disks. And you can take said computer disk, toss to anyone of your choosing, they can go pop it into any computer disk drive and see the picture -- no cords to hook up -- no downloading -- it's just there, Voila!
If I need to prepare marketing stuff for a new house, off I go with my Sony. I can snap the pics, then head back home, to my broker office, or anywhere else to work the magic without regard to "do I have my cords?"
There is one downside.
The disks add up. They multiply. Most importantly: they don't self-label.
Here's the stack that typically piles up at my feet (but please ignore the dust which truly I can't even see from way up here):

This is the stack of stuff that I have already used. When it pops out of the drive, it falls a short distance to the floor below. Every so often, I can't stand it anymore and decide to erase the stack. Of course, I can't risk that there might be something very cool that I have forgotten, so I have to go through each one separately. This task I did this morning ... and the picture above is AFTER I went through a bunch and erased.
Here's the top of my desk, with the neat stack of freshly erased disks front and center:

See that other group resting between the telly and the speaker? That's the stuff that I have gone through and for whatever reason can't bear to erase, but have no useful purpose at the moment. The stack just sits there, occasionally getting knocked off by one Helper Cat, Beau.
Okay, so what did I get for my efforts at clean-up this morning? Here we go!
This baby-filled belly is courtesy of sweet niece, Michelle. Love the belly button ring! She is now another three weeks or so into the "project" and Hunter is due near the end of the month.
Here's my Wally doing a little fishing off the hallway radiator ... BTW, the DH just came in to tell me an interesting factoid. You might remember that one of Wally's nicknames is The Notorious BUG ('cuz he's the Bugman). Well DH says that The Notorious BIG, a/k/a Biggie Smalls (the rapper dude, ya'll!) was legally named Christopher -- wait for this now --- WALLACE! Unbelievable.
Back to the pictures ...
Here's a handsome orange cat with a serious attitude. Why, oh why is Beau is such a snit?
Here's why ...
At 7:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, how I love the fishing photo!!!
Who's dog was it?
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