I'd Rather Knit Than Hang with the Governor
Today MerryLand's Governor traveled out to my neck of the woods to make a big to-do about State funds coming our way. I went along with Darling Husband, as he is the Pres of the Heritage Society who was receiving $16K+ to republish a historical book . When he told me the Gov was coming, I said "no way, he'll send some undersecretary of something or other." Imagine my surprise when we pulled up to the location and saw the place swarming with his advance team! The Gov seems like a pretty nice guy if it wasn't for the Republican thing, or his love of the slots, and I'm sure there are other things. But anyway, I was happy about the moolah!
I spent the morning cleaning up the abode in preparation for a visit from a former client and her 2 small boys. She has become President of a local Moms support group that has their monthly meeting at the community center across from my house. The boys are adorable and we had a nice visit (though I did freak a tiny bit when Holden tried -- and nearly succeeded! -- in grabbing one of my very trusting goldfish from the outside pond).
I'm going to make sure that Darling Husband and I tread lightly for the rest of the week so the house may stay somewhat neat for my Hen Party on Saturday. It would be too gruesome to clean twice in one week!
For the rest of this afternoon until now, I have been answering phone calls and e-mail from procrastinators trying to get in for this weekend's Street Festival. However, we just got a phone call that the whole damn thing might go to hell in a handbasket. The person responsible for the street closing permit just called to say that the police chief had DENIED the request -- for the first time in 17 years!! -- but she had been unable to speak with him to plead our case. Apparently she made the application and followed up with phone messages to the clerk person who normally handles it, but didn't hear a response. So she went on vacation. Then, when she came back to the task today, she was told of the denial. She has promised to get back on the case first thing tomorrow, but said we might want to consider a contingency plan. I can't even think about it ... where the Hell are we going to put 75 vendors in this little town if we can't close the streets? And then where are we going to put all the cars of the patrons they are expecting if we fill the parking lots and side streets with vendors? This is too much to comprehend. We have been working so hard on this thing ... and it's our first event having taken over from the past organizers ... gosh I hope we don't go down in a blaze of defeat.

On to knitting news ... I finished Tychus 2 while waiting for Whitney and the Boys to arrive this morning. Darling Husband agreed to model for the formal picture but would not allow his face. He was grumpy cuz he STILL has not received the parts he needs to put his Big Ole Ugly -- I mean Classic Ford truck back together. It still hasn't stopped him from grinding away at the body and working artistic with the Bondo. In all seriousness, the thing is beginning to grow on me and I know it will look great when he finishes. He's just perfect like that!
I spent the morning cleaning up the abode in preparation for a visit from a former client and her 2 small boys. She has become President of a local Moms support group that has their monthly meeting at the community center across from my house. The boys are adorable and we had a nice visit (though I did freak a tiny bit when Holden tried -- and nearly succeeded! -- in grabbing one of my very trusting goldfish from the outside pond).
I'm going to make sure that Darling Husband and I tread lightly for the rest of the week so the house may stay somewhat neat for my Hen Party on Saturday. It would be too gruesome to clean twice in one week!
For the rest of this afternoon until now, I have been answering phone calls and e-mail from procrastinators trying to get in for this weekend's Street Festival. However, we just got a phone call that the whole damn thing might go to hell in a handbasket. The person responsible for the street closing permit just called to say that the police chief had DENIED the request -- for the first time in 17 years!! -- but she had been unable to speak with him to plead our case. Apparently she made the application and followed up with phone messages to the clerk person who normally handles it, but didn't hear a response. So she went on vacation. Then, when she came back to the task today, she was told of the denial. She has promised to get back on the case first thing tomorrow, but said we might want to consider a contingency plan. I can't even think about it ... where the Hell are we going to put 75 vendors in this little town if we can't close the streets? And then where are we going to put all the cars of the patrons they are expecting if we fill the parking lots and side streets with vendors? This is too much to comprehend. We have been working so hard on this thing ... and it's our first event having taken over from the past organizers ... gosh I hope we don't go down in a blaze of defeat.

On to knitting news ... I finished Tychus 2 while waiting for Whitney and the Boys to arrive this morning. Darling Husband agreed to model for the formal picture but would not allow his face. He was grumpy cuz he STILL has not received the parts he needs to put his Big Ole Ugly -- I mean Classic Ford truck back together. It still hasn't stopped him from grinding away at the body and working artistic with the Bondo. In all seriousness, the thing is beginning to grow on me and I know it will look great when he finishes. He's just perfect like that!
At 6:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
nice hat.....for a democrat I mean.
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