High-Tech me, Mavis

That's right ... my new swift and winder came in the mail today!
I waited only long enough to put on my home uniform (sweats, baby!), pour a glass o' vino, and then I plowed right in! I even set it up at the kitchen table so I could (in theory) make dinner whilst I was winding.
Also in the box was my "Becky" pattern and Touche yarn, so that's where I started winding. Let me tell you, this thing is WAY cool.
Knit'Nat, send your skeins on down here ... I'll have it all wound up in a snap -- no charge -- really!!
Anyone else out there need some yarn wound? ... Please?
Yea, that's me, Mavis sounding like a damn ADDICT!
P.S. to Vegan Knitter: Thanks so much for the heads up on the Lentil Soup from Vegan Planet. It was really great; much heartier than I anticipated, and I'm sure I'll be making it again and again.
P.S. to no one in particular ... don't I look like Harry Potter in this picture? ... or is it the wine ...
At 10:01 PM,
me said…
Sorry, but I have to tag you for the 4 things meme!! I don't really know anyone, so I picked some blogs I lurk to tag. teehee. You're it!
Four jobs you have had in your life
Four movies you could watch over and over
Four places you have lived
Four TV shows you love to watch
Four places you have been on vacation
Four websites you visit daily
Four places you'd rather be right now
Four bloggers you are tagging.
At 12:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Glad to be of service, my dear, althoug the lentil soup I made is from the Vegan Mediterranean Kitchen. However, that prompted someone else to suggest the one from Vegan Planet, so I guess I was the middle-woman.
I am about to order a ball winder although I can't currently afford the swift. (I have a $25 gift certificate that I'll use for the winder.) I really need one because so far all my projects have been made from whole skeins, which is no fun.
At 8:04 AM,
Yvonne said…
Mavis you look absolutely OBSESSED!! Wild woman. :-) (PS- Lentils? Ew. I am not a lentil fan -- don't like their texture. But glad you liked the soup!)
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