Wally in the Store-Bought
I have been shopping a bit and thinking a bit about my Olympic Cat Bed projects. I'm probably not going to go strictly by the Princess pattern suggestion, and have purchased a few potentials to swatch.
Meanwhile, Wally thinks the Store-Bought bed works just fine and is unconcerned that he is numero tres on the list for a hand-knit version:
Why yes, of course he is on the kitchen counter -- don't your cats lie up there too? This was the third time I "flashed" in his face, so he has his eyes shut so tight you can't make out a thing!
DH says this is "lights off". When he opens a little squinty bit, it is "parking lights." When he goes wide-eyed, it is "high beams." That really seems to fit on a black cat! His eyes truly are like lights coming on and going off.
We do a lot of nicknames around here at Chez Schavis. Today, I'll let you in on the many monikers of Wally.
Proper "Records" Name (used by his vet): Todd Wallace*
Frequently Used Alias(es):
Toddikins (primary common name used during kittenhood)
Wally (primary common name used since he got all big and stuff)
Meester Wallace
Gorilla Pads
Bugsy Malone
Bug Man
The Notorius B U G
...still to come... The Many Names of Beau and 'Bella.
Meanwhile, Wally thinks the Store-Bought bed works just fine and is unconcerned that he is numero tres on the list for a hand-knit version:

DH says this is "lights off". When he opens a little squinty bit, it is "parking lights." When he goes wide-eyed, it is "high beams." That really seems to fit on a black cat! His eyes truly are like lights coming on and going off.
We do a lot of nicknames around here at Chez Schavis. Today, I'll let you in on the many monikers of Wally.
Proper "Records" Name (used by his vet): Todd Wallace*
(* does anyone remember the FOX5 newscaster, Todd Wallace? He was one smooth dude and my favorite, -- soooo I respectfully named a scrawny kitten of a neighborhood stray after him. (You're welcome!) ... Be careful that I might like you too much!
Frequently Used Alias(es):
Toddikins (primary common name used during kittenhood)
Wally (primary common name used since he got all big and stuff)
Meester Wallace
Gorilla Pads
Bugsy Malone
Bug Man
The Notorius B U G
...still to come... The Many Names of Beau and 'Bella.
At 1:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think he'll probably be comfy in either cat bed but think of how nice your hand-made one will look!
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