"Holiday" Weekend?
There hasn't been much holiday-type goings-on for me, Mavis. I had sugarplum visions of a long, lazy weekend heavily spiced with multiple knitting projects. Nope, it didn't happen. Not yet, anyway -- but I'm not giving up!
We have had some Wacky Weather. Last week, and maybe even prior, the weather has been so mild with day-time highs near 60. I think DH even turned off the furnace for a bit.
Then, Friday night there was a tough rain storm with thunder and lightning that scared the poor kitties off the bed and hurrying Down Under. Since I witnessed this, that means that I was awakened too.
The wind increased during the day Saturday, and that night the incredible sound woke us again. This is newsworthy because we both sleep like ancient rocks.
Very early Sunday morning, the beep of the telephone warning from a power outage woke us yet again. We could see so lights in the Rec Center across the street, and the Rats’ (that's James and Gretchen) house behind us was dark too.
We found last summer, during an outage, that our side of the street is apparently on a different grid than the other side of the street as well as our back-yard neighbors. Today we got the lucky end of the stick and lost power for only the briefest moment. We did lose cable for a few hours but that was not a big deal -- you know, compared to HAVING NO HEAT, for instance.
It continued to be very windy all day, and bitterly cold. Here's what The Natives do on such days:

The Baby gathers a few sparkly balls and heads to her room (a/k/a the guest room). This room is decorated in soft lilac and butter yellow and I think she finds it somewhat Girly and to her liking. We also keep one of Mom's crocheted afghans (lilac and white) on the bed for extra coziness (actually it's in an effort to keep the comforter somewhat un-furified).
The Brothas head to the loft. This is the topmost area of our house. Hence, the "heat rises" goes here. One side contains a Kitty Kup, which Wally loves -- check out the sunbeam just hitting the edge, and the resulting slitty eyes:

On the other side of the loft, there is an expensive furry cat cushion that sits unused, and a messy old chenille bedspread that Beau adores:

While The Natives lounged, I was hard at work -- but I won't say what I was doing for fear of a Jinx. I'll tell you what it was about tomorrow.
In other news --
I have attempted my first receipe from Vegan Planet: “Tempeh and Sweet Peppers with Bourbon-Spiked Barbecue Sauce.” It was a big hit, surprisingly easy, and well worth the (slight) effort of making the barbecue sauce as opposed to going with a bottled brand. We ate it alongside fluffy cous-cous -- YUM! (BTW: Did you know that bell peppers contain more Vitamin C than oranges?)
We have had some Wacky Weather. Last week, and maybe even prior, the weather has been so mild with day-time highs near 60. I think DH even turned off the furnace for a bit.
Then, Friday night there was a tough rain storm with thunder and lightning that scared the poor kitties off the bed and hurrying Down Under. Since I witnessed this, that means that I was awakened too.
The wind increased during the day Saturday, and that night the incredible sound woke us again. This is newsworthy because we both sleep like ancient rocks.
Very early Sunday morning, the beep of the telephone warning from a power outage woke us yet again. We could see so lights in the Rec Center across the street, and the Rats’ (that's James and Gretchen) house behind us was dark too.
We found last summer, during an outage, that our side of the street is apparently on a different grid than the other side of the street as well as our back-yard neighbors. Today we got the lucky end of the stick and lost power for only the briefest moment. We did lose cable for a few hours but that was not a big deal -- you know, compared to HAVING NO HEAT, for instance.
It continued to be very windy all day, and bitterly cold. Here's what The Natives do on such days:

The Baby gathers a few sparkly balls and heads to her room (a/k/a the guest room). This room is decorated in soft lilac and butter yellow and I think she finds it somewhat Girly and to her liking. We also keep one of Mom's crocheted afghans (lilac and white) on the bed for extra coziness (actually it's in an effort to keep the comforter somewhat un-furified).
The Brothas head to the loft. This is the topmost area of our house. Hence, the "heat rises" goes here. One side contains a Kitty Kup, which Wally loves -- check out the sunbeam just hitting the edge, and the resulting slitty eyes:

On the other side of the loft, there is an expensive furry cat cushion that sits unused, and a messy old chenille bedspread that Beau adores:

While The Natives lounged, I was hard at work -- but I won't say what I was doing for fear of a Jinx. I'll tell you what it was about tomorrow.
In other news --
I have attempted my first receipe from Vegan Planet: “Tempeh and Sweet Peppers with Bourbon-Spiked Barbecue Sauce.” It was a big hit, surprisingly easy, and well worth the (slight) effort of making the barbecue sauce as opposed to going with a bottled brand. We ate it alongside fluffy cous-cous -- YUM! (BTW: Did you know that bell peppers contain more Vitamin C than oranges?)
At 10:36 AM,
Yvonne said…
MAVIS! Your cats are ADORABLE. I love them! They are just too cute for words. It's funny...I have a black cat and an orange cat...and then a torty. How've you been?? I haven't heard from you in a bit.
At 12:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
While I'm allergic to cats, I love them, and I love to read about them on people's blogs. Why is it that cats and knitting always seem to go together? (Or not, if you know what I mean!)
I can't wait to hear what secret project you were working on!
We lost power last week but only for a little while.
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