Tagged Twice ... Same Day
I have never been tagged for a "meme" before, yet yesterday I was tagged twice!
First, let me say that I'm kind of queasy about these things. While they are sometimes fun to read, they are also coming really close to those 300 or so daily e-mail messages about friendship, love, or [insert whatever here] and if you don't send it on to 27 people within the next 4 minutes your arms will fall off just after you have come down with a gigantic headcold and the runs. Now, of course no one really believes those things will happen (do they?), but at a minimum if you don't participate you will not be a team player and a black mark will go on your permanent record.
Having THAT off my chest .... I have decided to participate by posting my answers .... but I'm not yet sure if I will "tag" anyone else.
OK, the first meme came from the ever-busy Knit'Nat who tagged me for a musical meme:
Mostly, I listen to NPR while I'm here in my Palace, or for Friday Night Pizza we often turn on an oldies station, but otherwise, the music plays only in my head, or in an endless loop from the "I don't know many of the words" DH when he gets a song stuck in his head. (This usually happens during a multi-day paint job when we are in close proximity for long hours.)
Anyway ... my choices (and I threw in an extra since I'm not really following The Rules):
Summer Breeze - Seals & Crofts
Back in the USSR - The Beatles
Stray Cat Strut - The Stray Cats
Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding - Elton John
Tender Tennessee Christmas - Amy Grant
Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
How Far is Heaven - Los Lobos
Found Out About You - Gin Blossums
Mercy Mercy Me/I Want You - Robert Palmer
Next, I was tagged by a (da da da DAAAA!) -- a LURKER!!
Yes, a cute California Vegan Gal, Obstiknit Vegan tagged me for the "Four Things MeMe."
And, away we go:
Greenhouse Worker
Gofer in Motorcycle Shop
Clerk in a tiny standalone photo processing booth
Legal Secretary
A Christmas Story
My Cousin Vinny
Forrest Gump
Upper Marlboro
New Mexico
Cayman Islands
Wendy Knits
Vegan Knitting
Fake Sheep (even though she posts like every 3 months!)
(I'm actually perfectly content and very cozy right here in my Palace!)
in my garden on a soft summer day
in my loft during a snowstorm
on the couch with one of the Brothas in my lap
with the giraffe herd at the watering hole
First, let me say that I'm kind of queasy about these things. While they are sometimes fun to read, they are also coming really close to those 300 or so daily e-mail messages about friendship, love, or [insert whatever here] and if you don't send it on to 27 people within the next 4 minutes your arms will fall off just after you have come down with a gigantic headcold and the runs. Now, of course no one really believes those things will happen (do they?), but at a minimum if you don't participate you will not be a team player and a black mark will go on your permanent record.
Having THAT off my chest .... I have decided to participate by posting my answers .... but I'm not yet sure if I will "tag" anyone else.
OK, the first meme came from the ever-busy Knit'Nat who tagged me for a musical meme:
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to.If anyone expected current stuff, you expect too much of me,Mavis. Even if I have heard and/or enjoyed anything even relatively new, I surely won't know the name of the song nor the artist.
Mostly, I listen to NPR while I'm here in my Palace, or for Friday Night Pizza we often turn on an oldies station, but otherwise, the music plays only in my head, or in an endless loop from the "I don't know many of the words" DH when he gets a song stuck in his head. (This usually happens during a multi-day paint job when we are in close proximity for long hours.)
Anyway ... my choices (and I threw in an extra since I'm not really following The Rules):
Summer Breeze - Seals & Crofts
Back in the USSR - The Beatles
Stray Cat Strut - The Stray Cats
Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding - Elton John
Tender Tennessee Christmas - Amy Grant
Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
How Far is Heaven - Los Lobos
Found Out About You - Gin Blossums
Mercy Mercy Me/I Want You - Robert Palmer
Next, I was tagged by a (da da da DAAAA!) -- a LURKER!!
Yes, a cute California Vegan Gal, Obstiknit Vegan tagged me for the "Four Things MeMe."
And, away we go:
Four jobs you have had in your life
Greenhouse Worker
Gofer in Motorcycle Shop
Clerk in a tiny standalone photo processing booth
Legal Secretary
Four movies you could watch over and overThe Color Purple
A Christmas Story
My Cousin Vinny
Forrest Gump
Four places you have lived (Hmmm, I'm such a homebody, that I must go down to the TOWN level for this)Oxon Hill
Upper Marlboro
Four TV shows you love to watch24
Four places you have been on vacationGreat Smokey Mountains
New Mexico
Cayman Islands
Four websites you visit dailyGoogle
Wendy Knits
Vegan Knitting
Fake Sheep (even though she posts like every 3 months!)
Four places you'd rather be right now
(I'm actually perfectly content and very cozy right here in my Palace!)
in my garden on a soft summer day
in my loft during a snowstorm
on the couch with one of the Brothas in my lap
with the giraffe herd at the watering hole
At 11:01 PM,
Yvonne said…
Mave, I would NEVAH put a black mark on your permanent record. A gray one perhaps, but never a black one. LOL Wild woman! You know, when you said mostly oldies, I expected to see some Freddy Fender or Bobby Vinton up there -- LOL!! Yes I know who they are and don't squint at me like you don't know who the heck I'm talkin' about.
And I'm very touched you visit my blog every day. Very.
Funny how this friendship started over a "I can't see all of your blog" email. LOL!! Now we're planning trips 'n everything!!!
At 8:58 PM,
me said…
Thanks for playing along with the meme, and thanks for the "cute" compliment! Hey, I was once a gofer in a motorcycle shop too!! I used to hang around the BMW shop where I bought my newest bike soooo much that they started paying me. =)
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