We May Need a New Hen House
To wit: We have a Hen Party planned for day after tomorrow. Today, this came:

Instead ... So how about Hurricane Rita? Cute nephew Jason called from League City yesterday morning to say that he and Mom were finishing up and were hittin' the road, bound for brother Mark's apartment in Austin. I got a message from him just a short while ago:
"We left League City at 1:45 P.M and arrived in Austin at 3:30 A.M. Not to mention the usual drive to Austin is about 3 hours. We didn't go faster than 20 MPH until we were well out of Houston, it was absolutely horrible traffic. Pops left this afternoon, so no telling when he will get here."
I spoke to "Pops" (my brother) earlier this afternoon. He left League City and traveled for 40 minutes of smooth sailing, chuckling about how he outsmarted those early birds. Then the traffic halted. He had moved no more than 100 yards in over 15 minutes when he decided to kill a little time by calling me. Third son, Brian, was headed for Brownsville where he had friends with a fenced yard that would also welcome the family pup, Casey.
So I'm sure feeling pretty silly now for whining and complaining along here about the faltering plans for our Fall Festival. I'm hoping that all of the Texans arrive at their new places safely, and that they will quickly return to find their homes just as they left them.
We think this is big news for tomorrow.
The telltale darkening of the chrysalis apres the emerging!
At 5:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow! what a cool fleet. Thanks for being supportive to your "Dear Husband" This fleet will get smaller again, I promise....
Anyone want to buy a 1956 Dodge 1/2 ton pickup?
At 12:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
You scared me. For second I thought you were serious about needing a new hen house. GG
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