Don't we Love our Furry Friends?
GG left a fabulous note in the comments that warmed my heart after a chilly afternoon at the wet saw:
Hearing about Q made me look at my guys a little more closely. I always check in on them when I come home, just like I always must see each one before I leave (... and tell where I'm going ... and to be good ... and to have fun ... and to look out for the others, etc. That's right, a whole dialogue. You got a problem with that?)
Anyway, I came home from a rewarding afternoon of tile setting helper to DH (that is some slick kitchen!) and here's how I found the natives.
'Bella is a girl from the streets and she doesn't need anything fancy. This pile of stuff recently dug from my Palace closet was the perfect place for a little snooze. Don't get too comfy, 'Bella, cuz SURELY Auntie Gretchen will be over soon to go through all that fabric and take what she wants, so I can get the rest on the list for freecycle. Right, Gretchen? Are you there?
Wally is the most "loyal" of the kitties and usually greets me at the door. After I tortured him with hugs, he went upstairs with me to see what the other two were doing.
What's THAT in the pink house, Wally?
It's your Bro, Beau!
Big ole Beau doesn't even think twice about squeezing his long self into this girly pink house for a quiet nap.
This house has some age. I can't say exactly how old, because I bought this at a yard sale, but I did take it to pick up Luci (in 1985), and when Ethel joined us a month later, she proclaimed it hers. She would get up on top and sharpen her claws, reminding me of Snoopy on his dog house!
At some point, it went out of favor for her, but I kept it around anyway. I can't remember when Beau first discovered that it suited him, but he uses it pretty frequently.
From all of us here at Chez Schavis, GET WELL SOON QUINCY!
What a difference a day makes--Q is feeling much much better today. He's back to his sock stealing, flip flop eating ways.Ah, that's great to hear! Even though GG wears the 'spensive kind of flip flops, I'll bet she doesn't give a rat's hiney just now. "Oh, that J Crew pair appeals to you Quincy? Sure, go for it! Want something from Anne Taylor next? Rock on!
Hearing about Q made me look at my guys a little more closely. I always check in on them when I come home, just like I always must see each one before I leave (... and tell where I'm going ... and to be good ... and to have fun ... and to look out for the others, etc. That's right, a whole dialogue. You got a problem with that?)
Anyway, I came home from a rewarding afternoon of tile setting helper to DH (that is some slick kitchen!) and here's how I found the natives.
Wally is the most "loyal" of the kitties and usually greets me at the door. After I tortured him with hugs, he went upstairs with me to see what the other two were doing.

What's THAT in the pink house, Wally?
It's your Bro, Beau!
Big ole Beau doesn't even think twice about squeezing his long self into this girly pink house for a quiet nap.
This house has some age. I can't say exactly how old, because I bought this at a yard sale, but I did take it to pick up Luci (in 1985), and when Ethel joined us a month later, she proclaimed it hers. She would get up on top and sharpen her claws, reminding me of Snoopy on his dog house!
At some point, it went out of favor for her, but I kept it around anyway. I can't remember when Beau first discovered that it suited him, but he uses it pretty frequently.
From all of us here at Chez Schavis, GET WELL SOON QUINCY!
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