me, Mavis

I knit. I garden. I co-manage an eclectic shop. I sometimes work in real estate. I sometimes swing a hammer. I always volunteer in my community. I live in an old house with my nice family of one husband and three beastly cats. I have great friends. These are the things that matter to me, Mavis.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Cross off another Kipper! *

Two posts in a row from me, Mavis with ... FINISHED PROJECTS!

Last post, I gave you the much ignored (um, that was like 5 years worth) roll neck pullover, which I called "Ginny's Sweater." Today I have finished something of a much more recent vintage -- even this season! -- but with an equally sucky name. This sucky name, however, came with the pattern, courtesy of Red Heart.

And here it is, the "Elegant Cardigan" (blech to the name)

Although I hate the name, I have to say that I am lovin the style! Check out that fitted waist will ya? And my ancient crochet skills were resurrected successfully, I think, for the edgings.

So speaking of those edgings, wasn't I just complaining about hating the finishing part of a project? This one was quite lengthy. I finished knitting the second sleeve yesterday morning, all perky-proud that I would soon have another sweater. I guess I had not read down the end of the pattern page in a while. Oops.

Of course I had to interrupt numerous times for the ole cat-in-the-lap trick, but I sewed seams and crocheted edgings for a good part of the afternoon. Then this morning, a quick steam and onto DH's dress form for a formal photo shoot.

What's that? Doesn't everyone's Darling Husband have a dress form? Mine used to have a mannequin too ... with an extensive wardrobe ... but back to the sweater.

Actually, it does fit me quite well and I'll probably add a live picture later when I have someone to man (or woman) the camera. I'm not too good at the mirror shots.

Next? Well, I do still have a notion to finish some secret holiday gifts, OR I could start on the Aran sweater, OR maybe I have come up with an appropriate pattern for the Calmer? Stay tuned!

* What the heck is a "Kipper" you might say? Most in the knit blog world seem to refer to their stuff as "Works in Progress" or WIPs. Not our Crazy Aunt Purl who lovingly refers to her own getaroundtuits as "Knitting in Progress"/"KIPs"/"kippers." Gotta love that Purl.


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