DC Knit-Out
My one complaint ... and this is a BIGGIE ... there was nothing to buy!!! I was all-out ready to score on my Calmer. Nope. I can't say why, but they did not allow sales at this event. Perhaps it is because the sponsor is a 501(c)(3) non-profit?
In any case, there were various vendors that showcased products and offered % off coupons to use at their stores; free classes (along with free supplies!) to learn to knit and/or crochet; an area where one could fashion squares and/or piece them together for various charitable groups (like "Warm Up America"), and a fashion show tent.
That was fun. Not only were there some really clever and beautifully-crafted "serious" items, but my personal favorite was a free-form collage type hooded cape worn by a delightful young woman. I don't think it was her work completely, but maybe a team effort by a crochet group. This thing had trees, a river, snowmen, a Clark bar, a Pittsburgh Steelers emblem, and an incredible amount of other objects. I could have looked at it for hours. I think this will haunt me until I begin one of my own.
There were some four-leggeds in the show too. Spencer the Bulldog (originally from South Carolina and now chilly in our Maryland weather) wore a distinguished sweater which we could hardly see as he kept lying down on the stage.
Max the Boston Terrier is a mascot for a local fiber arts group, and wore a tuxedo -- WITH TAILS -- and a bright red bow tie. He kept leaping off the stage! No hams in those two dogs.
So, I didn't buy anything at the event, but I came away with ideas. Lots of ideas. Which will require some $$ to be spent. Sometime.
Until then, I have lots of stuff in the works and am making progress. Here's the "Pretty Pink" baby cardigan thus far. I have finished both sleeves and a few inches of the back. The sleeves are on holders as this is a raglan shaped pattern. After all prices have been worked separately to the underarm area, I will pick them all back up on the same needle and knit the yoke in one pieces. So what's the big deal you might ask? Only the underarm and side seams to sew!

Here's a close-up of the pattern on the sleeves.
It also covers much of the fronts. It was easy to learn and fun to do. I think that the back stockinette stitch is going more slowly ... much ... more ... slowly ... without having a pattern to keep the interest up.
However, plain ole stockinette is great when you want to actually pay attention to some garbage on the tube.
It has been more than once that I got all involved in something Jack Bauer was doing and than spent time the next day at the frog pond. "Ribbit" is not my favorite knitting term.
Speaking of Jack, does anyone know when "24" starts up again!
... until tomorrow ... when, by the way, I will deliver myself to Dr. Benkovich for the "pre-banding" segment of Braces 101.
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