me, Mavis

I knit. I garden. I co-manage an eclectic shop. I sometimes work in real estate. I sometimes swing a hammer. I always volunteer in my community. I live in an old house with my nice family of one husband and three beastly cats. I have great friends. These are the things that matter to me, Mavis.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Saying Goodbye

This morning we travelled to Abingdon to say a final goodbye to our friend Joe. I was glad that we were able to spend time with him just 1 week before he died. As always, I resisted the "obligation" to walk up to the open casket, preferring to remember him as I saw him last - tired and weak, but still full of piss and vinegar. Jeanette was amazing to be so strong as to write and read the eulogy herself. She started us laughing from the beginning by saying that as she wrote the words of the eulogy, she kept thinking "urology." She pointed out to family and close friends what they meant to Joe, who maybe was not so at ease with saying how he felt. She talked about all the goofy nicknames that he gave to his work buddies, and how he and he best Buddy got sauced and then had her take them to Boca Raton mall to get their ears pierced -- one each, so that they could share pairs of earrings. It was an extremely personal remembrance and I admire her courage to take on this project as yet another show of her total love for Joe. It was not until the Marine guards marched in, removed and then folded the flag for presentation, that she lost it. So did the rest of us. I am sorry that I did not meet Joe sooner. He was an anomaly that won't be repeated again.

On the Home Front
We came back home to find the bricklayer just pulling in and hoping to set scaffolding in preparation for rebuilding our chimney on Monday. This one guy set this whole scaffolding structure by himself. I have helped Darling Husband set scaffolding 3 or 4 times and it was monstrously hard work. We didn't actually watch him do it, so I'm thinking he might have used a magic wand or something.

During the yearly clean, we learned from the furnace technician that the old chimney was crumbling so much that it was fouling the furnace and suggested we have it relined. The relining company said the outer structure was about to fall off the house and would need to be rebuilt before the liner could be added. So, there you are, 6 weeks later, the bricklayer is here and once he finishes, the liner work can start. It has been chilly today so I'm thinking we might be done just in time to start up the furnace.

New Landlords in Town?
We left Bricklayer Greg in order to meet the owner of a little house that we are now officially under contract to purchase! The papers were signed at about 3:00 and if all goes according to plan, we will settle by the end of October AND have a new tenant ready to move in. Anyone out there looking for a darling little house in a historic neighborhood with superb landlords? I won't say too much more now in case I might jinx the process -- but a photo will come soon.

I received an eBay purchase yesterday -- last Spring'sl issue of Interweave Knits which includes the pattern for this cool top -- the "Cable-Eight" -- to be worked in Pakucho Organic Cotton which I happen to have in my stash. In fact, I have enough to make two! I have the top in mind as a gift for a secret someone and if it turns out as well as I hope, perhaps I'll make a second as a nice gift for -- ME!

I have worked on the "Elegant Cardigan" only briefly as my schedule has been so whacked, but I'm hoping that tomorrow will be filled with lots of knitting time.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Rain, Rain Come Today ...

... Come Today and Stay Till May! That's how dry it is here. It has been overcast and threatening all day, and we were rewarded oh so slightly .... it sort of drizzled for about 10 minutes. I think the last real rain we had was back in mid August. It would be a purrfect day to scurry up to my loft with a good book and a cup of tea, but alas, I had to set out to work, a la SCHAVIS.

It was a tired SCHAVIS crew that left 7th Street. We are both trying to recover from all the Festival activity. The event was a success, and we finalized clean-up on Sunday at 7:30 or so. Then back up the next morning to be on the road to Dear Husband's 'rents at 8:00. Schlepped boxes and various crap that was of no interest to the folks at the weekend estate sale, but somehow was much too valuable to donate to anyone. Apparently the thought was that eager buyers would magically appear out of thin air between Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning when the packers were expected. DH suggested that we tape $5 bills to everything and tell anyone who would listen that everything was free. That fell on deaf ears. So we left a house strewn with lots of unwanted stuff, and travelled back to MerryLand, both full of frustration that we could not finish the project, and full of concern for what Dear Ole Dad might resort to when left to conclude on his own.
We also came back with a cute Subaru full of .... stuff. Now, I'm not really sure I remember exactly WHAT we took, but here it is piled on the table. Wally is extremely pleased with the haul. Any new anything that comes into this house is promptly subject to feline inspection times three. Wally, however, is Chief Inspector.

On the Dental Front ...
I spent a few hours in Dr. Moss' chair again today. She removed my $3K or so worth of crowns very delicately with a BIG WHINING DRILL and then replaced them with some temporary composite stuff that will allow a better bond for the orthodontic torture devices, scheduled for installation on October 31. All that restful time today only cost me a cool $700+. How am I going to pay for all this dental work? I haven't a clue.

Nature Call - DH and I met up for a glass of wine on the front porch tonight. There are at least 3 Monarchs continuing to enjoy the fruits of our labor -- they were back and forth on the yellow Butterfly Bush also having Happy Hour.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Knitter with a New Sympathy Project

I left out of here early yesterday morning on a noble mission. With shoulders back to proudly display my four pins:
1 gallon
2 gallon
3 gallon
4 gallon
I headed confidently toward Glen Burnie and the needles that terrify me to

I can't think of anything that I have done that makes me feel better about myself than giving blood. Back when I toiled daily at the Big Ugly Law Firm, I found it very easy to regularly submit to the needle, but on my current path where I seldom leave the City limits and rarely leave the County, blood drives aren't so frequent. So I went to where the needles are! But they didn't want me ....

This is twice in a row now that I have been deferred for low iron content. Here's the rule right off the Red Cross web site:

Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Blood Count -- Acceptable if you have a
hemoglobin at or above 12.5 g/dL.Acceptable if you have a hematocrit
at or above 38%.

I was at 36%. The nice worker quickly grabbed patient literature to explain to me that it didn't mean that I was sick or anything, in fact I was within the normal range -- but the Red Cross guidelines are higher to make sure their donors are well prepared to replace the blood, etc. Guess what? That was the last thing I was thinking. With all the pain and despair in the Gulf Coast area from Katrina and now Rita, I just wanted to do something to personally help another human being. I was so disappointed ... and now I'm going to prove just how shallow I can be ... that I made a bee-line for Total Crafts, conveniently across the street from the Donor Center, for some sympathy purchases.

Now this was a well-stocked yarn department! I saw stuff here that is not typically in chain stores and it was quite nice indeed. Unfortunately, the weight was heavily on the animal fibers, but I still found enough to keep amused, including this:

I picked up this free pattern a long while ago when I first saw the Red Heart "Casual Cot'n" and squirreled it away for another time. This time, the yarn was on clearance, so I grabbed 8 skeins of Color 3853 "Floral." I'm thinking this was a summer season color clearance and not a product discontinue, because there were darker color blends at full price on the regular shelves. I really like this stuff! At 29% cotton/61% acrylic/10% polyester, I think it will be breathable but sturdy enough for constant wear. The label calls for machine wash and dry.

The twist of the ply is kind of bumpy like Manos del Uruguay Cotton Stria and knits up with the same unevenness. This caused me great anguish when I worked the Eyelet Cardigan, but I finally decided to accept its refusal to toe the line and flaunt its individuality. Then after wearing the sweater several times, I WAS SOLD! The bumpiness makes it float over your skin, very light and non irritating. So, if the Casual Cot'n feels even close to the Cotton Stria, AND has the easy washability, this will be perfecto!

On my monitor, this swatch appears pretty dark, but the true color is a mix of soft white, lavender and sage green. Now, I'm not totally sold on the pattern yet. I love the look of the "Elegant Cardigan" with the feminine neckline and girly crocheted edgings -- particularly when mixed with the casual stitch definition -- but I usually like a higher neckline. I'm taking it under consideration for now.

The Festival

We are officially at the 24 hour countdown! Dear Husband and I have a date in 11 minutes to start measuring out and marking the vendor spaces. Just moments ago, our sleepy-headed, "I hate early wake-up calls" fellow organizer, Gretchen, called to say that she's coming along too. Of course, we were stunned, cuz Girlfriend likes her sleep now. But this was good news and we'll have so much fun working this together. -- off to the streets!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

We May Need a New Hen House

I love my Hens ... I really do ... and I really like that they always want to meet here, at the "Hen House". But, it seems that they bring some fractured alien power over Dear Husband when we plan a meeting. And I'm not talking about that typical male-type stuff that makes them get all giggly and smiley around a cutie. No, this is weirdo, mind-altering, alien vortex assimilation.

To wit: We have a Hen Party planned for day after tomorrow. Today, this came:
It seems that there's a little deja vu all over again here. To wit: This is the rest of the fleet welcoming their new brother -- hiding way over there on the left. Each time one of these has arrived, it has been on the day of, or very close to the day of a Hen Party. I'm going to ignore this issue for the moment.

Instead ... So how about Hurricane Rita? Cute nephew Jason called from League City yesterday morning to say that he and Mom were finishing up and were hittin' the road, bound for brother Mark's apartment in Austin. I got a message from him just a short while ago:

"We left League City at 1:45 P.M and arrived in Austin at 3:30 A.M. Not to mention the usual drive to Austin is about 3 hours. We didn't go faster than 20 MPH until we were well out of Houston, it was absolutely horrible traffic. Pops left this afternoon, so no telling when he will get here."

I spoke to "Pops" (my brother) earlier this afternoon. He left League City and traveled for 40 minutes of smooth sailing, chuckling about how he outsmarted those early birds. Then the traffic halted. He had moved no more than 100 yards in over 15 minutes when he decided to kill a little time by calling me. Third son, Brian, was headed for Brownsville where he had friends with a fenced yard that would also welcome the family pup, Casey.

So I'm sure feeling pretty silly now for whining and complaining along here about the faltering plans for our Fall Festival. I'm hoping that all of the Texans arrive at their new places safely, and that they will quickly return to find their homes just as they left them.


We think this is big news for tomorrow.

The telltale darkening of the chrysalis apres the emerging!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Nature's Gifts

Yesterday I was beat up and stressed out over our Festival woes. Today, since seeing the orange inside the chrysalis, I have been reborn!

First, I received a phone call to let us know that the permit hold-up by the County Police had been removed. But that was NOTHING compared to what happened next. I went out for several hours and returned back home to see this:

Of course, I put aside everything else and sat down to watch -- and to act as guard.

The book we read said that this is the most critical and vulnerable time in the butterfly's cycle as it must have time for the newly-unfurled wings to dry and harden. I missed the emergence from the chrysalis, but was sure as heck not going to miss the rest.

After 30 minutes or so, she slowly pumped her wings open twice. After another 15 minutes, she seemed to be trying to "walk" up the post. To my horror, she fell to the deck and hit hard enough to be audible.

After just a short time, the climb began again:

At midway up the post, she fell again, and it seemed the painted wood was too slippery. By this time, Darling Husband had arrived for the event. As she started the climb again, he put his hand in her path and she climbed on! We were both captivated.

Finally in the sunshine, the wings began beating more often, pumping blood (?) throughout. Almost too soon, she took off, flying about 6 feet directly to ... what else? a BUTTERFLY BUSH!

Here she seemed to settle and we finally went back to our regular business, which for me was a trip to the grocery store.

When I drove back in, I was surpised to see our new friend in the same place. However, as I left my car and started walking up for a better look, off she took -- this time for the first real flight, traveling 30 feet or so across the yard and maybe 30 feet UP to land in a large tree. After a minute or so, we lost sight of this amazing creature. I look at the delicacy and see no resemblance of the rolly-polly eating machine that she was just a week or so ago. We still have another chrysalis in sight, and I wonder if we might be lucky enough to see the full show next time.

Here's what else I found in this little patch of garden as I stood guard. First, a Praying Mantis egg mass ... then Mrs. Mantis herself ... then, possibly the reason she visited .. APHIDS!

a Chrysalis of a Different Color

The beautiful green chrysalis that we first spotted last week is changing! When I saw the change to very dark last night, I was afraid the creature had died. Very early this morning Dear Husband came out with a flashlight and we could then see the unmistable wing of a MONARCH! Brilliant orange with black veins ... I'm sure the white dots are there too. So, I must be on close watch for the emergance. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

He Keeps Me Sane

This is what I see when I look up from my desk: Beau has rediscovered the loft since the new carpeting was installed last week. I added a folded up, very worn and comfy, old bedspread and he lounges on it for most of the day, hanging over the edge from time to time to see what the humans are doing. Today, in particular, I needed to see that cute face. We are still battling with the Festival street closure issue -- that is, we still don't know WHY our permit was denied -- but I spent about 10 gazillion minutes on phone calls today trying to get someone to straighten it out.

Gretchen and William came out today for our last pre-Festival FOTB meeting and it was successful. William brought our freshly printed tee-shirts (BEAUTIFUL JOB!) and they should still sell as collector's items for the "Festival that Wasn't." Okay, I'm making jokes to keep from crying. Really, we had a good meeting and nailed down as many loose ends as we could as to various logistics. I'm sure there will still be a fair amount of problems Sunday morning.

For now, I'll forget about it and run off to see "House." As William says, there's no reason to worry, because if I do, I'm the only one suffering for it. Just like the little clay figures we used to make to guard the kiln firing, I'll let it rest with the Gods.

Monday, September 19, 2005

I'd Rather Knit Than Hang with the Governor

Today MerryLand's Governor traveled out to my neck of the woods to make a big to-do about State funds coming our way. I went along with Darling Husband, as he is the Pres of the Heritage Society who was receiving $16K+ to republish a historical book . When he told me the Gov was coming, I said "no way, he'll send some undersecretary of something or other." Imagine my surprise when we pulled up to the location and saw the place swarming with his advance team! The Gov seems like a pretty nice guy if it wasn't for the Republican thing, or his love of the slots, and I'm sure there are other things. But anyway, I was happy about the moolah!

I spent the morning cleaning up the abode in preparation for a visit from a former client and her 2 small boys. She has become President of a local Moms support group that has their monthly meeting at the community center across from my house. The boys are adorable and we had a nice visit (though I did freak a tiny bit when Holden tried -- and nearly succeeded! -- in grabbing one of my very trusting goldfish from the outside pond).

I'm going to make sure that Darling Husband and I tread lightly for the rest of the week so the house may stay somewhat neat for my Hen Party on Saturday. It would be too gruesome to clean twice in one week!

For the rest of this afternoon until now, I have been answering phone calls and e-mail from procrastinators trying to get in for this weekend's Street Festival. However, we just got a phone call that the whole damn thing might go to hell in a handbasket. The person responsible for the street closing permit just called to say that the police chief had DENIED the request -- for the first time in 17 years!! -- but she had been unable to speak with him to plead our case. Apparently she made the application and followed up with phone messages to the clerk person who normally handles it, but didn't hear a response. So she went on vacation. Then, when she came back to the task today, she was told of the denial. She has promised to get back on the case first thing tomorrow, but said we might want to consider a contingency plan. I can't even think about it ... where the Hell are we going to put 75 vendors in this little town if we can't close the streets? And then where are we going to put all the cars of the patrons they are expecting if we fill the parking lots and side streets with vendors? This is too much to comprehend. We have been working so hard on this thing ... and it's our first event having taken over from the past organizers ... gosh I hope we don't go down in a blaze of defeat.

On to knitting news ... I finished Tychus 2 while waiting for Whitney and the Boys to arrive this morning. Darling Husband agreed to model for the formal picture but would not allow his face. He was grumpy cuz he STILL has not received the parts he needs to put his Big Ole Ugly -- I mean Classic Ford truck back together. It still hasn't stopped him from grinding away at the body and working artistic with the Bondo. In all seriousness, the thing is beginning to grow on me and I know it will look great when he finishes. He's just perfect like that!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Reconnecting with Friends

One of the reasons I started this blog effort was to organize and document my knitting projects ... so where is the knitting? Funny -- my favorite blog to read is Crazy Aunt Purl -- again, it was because of the knitting thing that I started reading. But really, Girlfriend rarely knits. Don't let those last two entries fool you. She is talking about knitting, but the subject matter really is ranting -- and yes, she is the Master of ranting. As a matter of fact, I went to the grocery store today and again, felt my blood boil about how people leave their carts strewn hither and yon throughout the parking lot. Who cares if they roll away and hit YOUR car -- I'm safely away from the danger. And even those that make a cursory effort to get the carts back to the little canopied gathering spot. They just give a wimpy shove in the general direction, not even hard enough to get the front wheels over the little bumper thing that keeps the beasts corralled. Today, when I returned my cart, muttering under my breath, I shoved it into another empty cart, and another empty cart, and so on and so on and so on ..... while some fellow came up and said "I think I'll follow your lead!", at which time I started ranting (only a slight bit really) about the laziness of our comrade shoppers -- and he smiled and -- get this -- clapped. Okay, was he laughing WITH me or AT me? So wasn't I talking about Aunt Purl? Yes, I'm getting to that. When it comes to Aunt Purl, oh yes, I'm laughing along WITH her. As a matter of fact, in full Purl fashion, I am blogging away while enjoying a little glass of vino. Cheers! Aunt Purl.

So, back to the knitting ... I am still trying to add in my finished stuff in the link. At the same time that I spend countless hours organizing this blog, I really am trying to knit. Here's the first Tychus hat modeling in front of the second attempt. Darling Husband liked the design of the hat, but not the colors. So, I'm making one for him in that charcoal/burgundy combination. However, I just learned today that he REALLY would rather have one in the colors of his rotten old trucks, so this little project may become a triptych. Lucky, I DIG this pattern! It amazes me how it comes together so magically. I have suggested it to Crazy Aunt Purl twice, but she hasn't bitten yet. Although my model looks kind of pointy, I assure you that, when placed on a big ole head, it looks every bit as nice as the model in the picture.

Okay, the heading today was "Reconnecting to Friends" so let's get to the point. Last Thursday, I was in the waiting room of a medical office with my mother (knitting on Tychus, I might add), when something amazing happened. The office had glassed walls to the main lobby. An old friend that I have not seen or heard from in over 11 years spotted me while exiting the elevator and came in to say "Hello." I had one of those "sure I know you, but how?" looks that you get when you see someone out of context. She said "Lisa" and the years fell away. This gal was a new secretary in the Big Ugly Law Firm and I was to train her. She was so tall, so slim, so pretty, so long blonde hair, so perfect sexy clothes -- I knew I'd hate her. Guess what? She was great and we had a ton of fun together. Yes, she still looks amazing -- in fact even more so. But what bothers me is the fact that she PICKED ME OUT while strolling out from her meeting, in a waiting room full of people in a building that we did not have in common, after 11 years??! I'm not sure what that says, but I am delighted to have reconnected with Miss Lisa again.

The heading is "Friends" in the plural, so on to Story 2. Several years ago, a neighbor that I knew only vaguely asked me to help with the sale of their house. During the course of the transaction, I became very fond of Joe and Jeanette (as did my Darling Husband) and we were sorry to have met them so late in our common neighborhood. They spend winters in Florida but kept a MerrryLand residence (moving up north to Abingdon), so we did keep in touch. Joe has had a bad spell of health, ending with the recent news that the lung cancer will probably take him in less than 2 months. The good news (for the rest of us at least), is that Joe's spirit is NOT diminished.

Darling Husband and I went for a visit today. Joe is bedridden and his shape was so tiny under the blanket covering him that I'm sure I made an audible gasp. However, once he started talking, I knew Joe was still with us. Darling Husband had arrived in the room barechested in response to Joe's "Topless Sunday" rule and that brought a big smile. During the course of our visit, Joe shared several off-color jokes that Jeanette had never heard even though this man doesn't go more than 20 minutes without telling an off-color joke. He said the stuff just pops into his head. After we discussed his weight loss, he shared with us a little song ... "No ass at all, not ass at all, a tiny little pecker, and no ass at all."

Joe is not selfish and will share his ideas with anyone. The hospice nurse who visited him that morning was asked, "Are you a nurse," -- Yes --, "and are you a stripper?" Like most people, she took Joe's craziness in good humor and told him that she WAS a bellydancer, and even did a little grinding for him.

We had such a good time during a visit what should have been a hellish obligation. They don't make 'em like Joe anymore, so I hope he says around a while longer.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Can I Get an AMEN !

Baby, I'm full of the Lord tonight! Dear Husband and I went to the Gospel Show at the Knight's Hall and had a splendid time. The event was organized by my Best Boy Friend, William. He's a hard-working, dedicated servant of the community and I admire him greatly. But, PLEASE do not tell him so or his shiny noggin will get oh so big and I'll never hear the end of it.

The choir from the church that meets at the Hall was the first act. This little girl submitted to my intense questioning after she was unknowing enough to sit beside me. Her mother, 2 sisters, a brother, and a cousin were all in the choir. That's William's wife, Bonnie, beside Choir Girl.

The other acts were quite good too. One guy did some beautiful R&B type songs, with a magical voice. Believe it or not, the last 3 acts were (let me whisper this ...), rappers. Yes, I know, I'm surprising myself by admitting that I actually enjoyed it. Like the other rap, I didn't understand every word they said, BUT, I assumed it wasn't the total trash that blasts out of low-down, blacked-out window, cars at traffic lights. AND they said it without all the anger, but instead with big, bright smiles. I could feel the LOVE! Amen, Brother! This guy was called "The Vessel" (I think) and he had groovy shoes that matched his shirt. The old Hall was rockin' and a swayin' and all were enjoying the show.

Earlier, today I accompanied Dear Husband to a car show at the local American Legion (Yee Haw) in the best of his fleet, the 1956 Dodge. He's been spending every free moment working on his big, ole ugly -- I mean classic 1956 Ford Truck, which was involved in a parking lot altercation. He's going the full deal in repairing previous blemishes while fixing the new hurts. I snapped this shot just after the Gospel Show (see above), whilst he was still fresh and clean. They're both cute, huh?

I spent a great deal of time this morning working on the bones of this blog, like adding in my knitting stuff -- works in progress as well as finished. I still have a long way to go, but at least the framing has started. I finished a cute little knit project Thursday, but haven't added it because it's a SHHHH! surprise gift.

I also changed the feature for adding comments so that the commenter will have to validate by typing the weird letters in the box. This was deemed necessary after I got all excited to have 2 comments listed almost immediately after yesterday afternoon's post. Yep, they were both spam, so we'll have to make it harder for those rotten slimebags.

Friday, September 16, 2005

MerryLand Library System Gets 2 Thumbs UP!

I'm impressed! Take a look at my new super turbo POWER CARD and then sit a spell for my story.

Several weeks ago, I was a browsin' in Big Honkin Full Price Bookstore when I came across a knitting book that I MUST HAVE! You do know, of course, that I love reading about knitting nearly as much as I love doing it, right? Anyway, this charming little paperback gem was priced at $24.99. No, I could not find any way to convince myself that I should make this purchase. So I headed out, tail between my legs and head hung low, to the safety and security of my Palace. There I found the listing for said book and entered it on my Wish List. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. I knew that this was a newer book and it was unlikely that our own Pee Gee County Library System would have a copy, but we do enjoy a great feature where one can search the catalog from any internet connection. What I did not know is that one may also link to "Marina" -- here's where it starts getting good -- which is a database for the whole doggone state! Yep, every county system chimes in on your search terms. And then it gets even better! One can designate a "Hold" for a particular item, which will then be shipped -- GRATIS!!! -- to one's local branch, whereupon a nice computer voice will leave a telephone message that you come and pick it up. So, sure enough, PeeGee County did not have the book, but Ritzy Montgomery County did. So after a few easy keystrokes and about 10 days of waiting, today, I took a little drive to my local Lib and came back with ..... "Easy Knitted Accessories, funky and fashionable projects for the novice knitter" I plan to spend some time planning out my knitting for friends tonight as all of my pals are fashionable, and certainly all are way fun-KAY!

Oh yeah, so what part plays the card? This new POWER CARD can be linked to any County System and allow me to physically borrow directly ... which suddenly doesn't seem like such a big deal when I can do my lookin' from The Palace and get free delivery to my local branch ... oh well, it has a cool holographic finish!

Repeat the Mantra ...

Repeat the mantra ... "Isabella loves me, Isabella loves me" ... that's all I can think of in order to keep from strangling her! Yes, my dear sweet Isabella has wakened me up 2 nights in a row. There I am very peaceful, and suddenly little paws are pouncing around my head, trying to keep captive, her lovely gift to me

.... a big ole' black, creepy -----!!! CRICKET !!!

yes, not once, but TWICE. Luckily, last night, I was hip to the game and hopped up (no pun intended) fast.

Night One of my Own Personal Hell, however, I was not prepared. Certain that the game was with her typical "prey", a harmless sparkly ball, I grabbed over my left shoulder to throw it out into the hall. As the "sparkly ball" began wiggling, though, the error or my ways was obvious.

Does this look like an evil cricket hunter to you? Please Isabella, stop the madness

I can't take this .....
  • Yankee Knitter Designs "Aran Sweater" in Sirdar Supersoft Toddler Aran "Hyacinth"
  • Mark's "UT Afghan" in Red Heart Super Saver Carrot and White
  • COMPLETED! "Aran Rose" in Rowan Calmer "Powder Puff" (details in the Gallery soon!)

  • The Things I Get Into
  • Vegan Lunchbox

  • VEG WEB - YUM!
  • Customized T-Shirts at!

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