Christmas Tree? Holiday Tree? MEMORY Tree for Me!
I found myself thinking about decorating my own (insert your favorite descriptive) Tree and realized that for me, it's mostly about memories and reflection.
Although I really admire the carefully coordinated and chic decorated style on HGTV, what goes on my tree is a great hodge podge of stuff collected far and wide and over many years. As I unwrap each one, I think back to where it came from, or who gave it to me, or what event it symbolizes.
I look forward to seeing again the blown glass chili peppers from a trip to New Mexico; the "worry beads" from Greece; the little handsaw on which I painted "Schavis Construction" for the first year in business; the Marvin the Martian figures (which are special for me and DH); all the different kitties that remind me of one or other of my real kitty friends; the Hindu gods from my mythology classes; the mini claypot snowman and reindeer that The Danial and I made together; the folded ribbon balls, beaded and cross-stitch angels made by our dear old friend, Janet; and the little Scottie Dog in a wicker bed that I bought for my first Christmas as newly-single -- that was when I had to start my collection anew.
There are so many others that I dig out each year, thinking over past events, and remembering old friends -- some, sadly gone now. It is a sometimes very emotional time for me, but each year I think it is more and more important to step back and reflect. The Tree Decorating Process is my own Pagan Holy Day of Reflection!
Here's what prompted today's post -- our newest addition:

This neat running horse was beautifully and skillfully crafted of wire and a wine bottle cork by our friend John, who I first knew as my first college art professor.
John is well known and widely respected for his artwork (very large stone and metal sculpture, and raku ceramic), but is mostly well-loved for his off-beat, enthusiastic, and encouraging personality. DH and I both adore John and so this little ornament is even more precious to us. It is a very welcome addition to the flock.
And, though it's not a tree ornament, here's a guy that also made me pause for reflection.
At 1:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mavis!
I came to see your blog from your post on mine although yours didn't show up when I did a "veggie knitters" ring tour.
I love this ornament. It is like a Calder sculpture. My dad would love it and since we have a bunch of silver-colored wire in the backyard and some corks from the wine we've drunk this week, I'm wondering if I can make him an animal for Christmas. I'll let you know if it works!
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