Having a Pink Christmas
We learned over the weekend that my sweet Texas brother, Joe, will be joining us for Christmas! He is arriving late in the evening, Dec. 23, and will stay until New Year's Eve. Joe's 3 boys will all be travelling to Florida to visit their Grandmother, who is in quite poor health, so we get to enjoy our Joe - YEA!
My "Boys" seem to feel the excitement of the season too as they join forces to attack the wacky newspaper tie thingy (being operated here by DH):
We have paper delivery only on Sunday, and nearly every Sunday, our carrier, Mr. Green* includes in our bag the bundle tie. I don't know whether he stuffs it in on purpose, or because it's a way to get rid of it, but nevertheless, we usually put it to good Feline use.
(*Mr. Green is a homegrown native and probably not much older than me. Nevertheless, he introduced himself as "Mr." and signs his annual subscriber notes as "Mr" so who am I to disagree with that? I'm considering a new program to introduce myself as "Countess", seeing as I spend most of my time in The Palace.)
In knitting news, I finished the twisted rib edging of the Aran, but then turned to the New Secret Aussie Project. Here's what I did:

Ahhh, .... pink ..... Later I'll tell you what it's all about.
'Bella has been in and out, yakking away, while I write this post. Here's what I see when I look down from my desk.

(The Pringles toy soldier tin holds my knitting needles).
Doesn't my girl have some serious whiskers? She walks back and forth, from one side of the chair to the other, "merow, merow," pausing occasionally to reach up a delicate paw and insert one needle-like claw into my thigh, which immediately pulls my hand from the keyboard for a head-scratch.
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